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Bayesian nonparametrics - Dependent random measures

Infinite dimensional diffusions - Measure-valued processes

Interacting particle systems - Duality

Hidden Markov models - Optimal filtering and smoothing



Griffiths, R.C., Ruggiero, M., Spanò, D. and Zhou, Y. (2024)

Dual process in the two-parameter Poisson-Dirichlet diffusion

Stochastic processes and their applications 179, 104500. [DOI]


Boetti, C. and Ruggiero, M. (2024)

Filtering coupled Wright-Fisher diffusions

Journal of Mathematical Biology 89, 64. [DOI]


Ascolani, F., Damato, S. and Ruggiero, M. (2024)

An R package for nonparametric inference on dynamic populations with infinitely many types

Journal of Computational Biology 31, 1305-1311. [DOI]


Kon Kam King, G., Pandolfi, A., Piretto, M. and Ruggiero, M. (2024)

Approximate filtering via discrete dual processes

Stochastic processes and their applications 168, 104268. [DOI]


Ascolani, F., Lijoi, A. and Ruggiero, M. (2023)

Smoothing distributions for conditional Fleming-Viot and Dawson-Watanabe diffusions

Bernoulli 29, 1410-1434. [DOI]


Ascolani, F., Lijoi, A. and Ruggiero, M. (2021)

Predictive inference with Fleming-Viot driven dependent Dirichlet processes

Bayesian Analysis 16, 371-395. [DOI]


Kon Kam King, G., Papaspiliopoulos, O. and Ruggiero, M. (2021)

Exact inference for a class of hidden Markov models on general state spaces

Electronic Journal of Statistics 15, 2832-2875. [DOI]


Giordano, M., De Blasi, P. and Ruggiero, M. (2020)

A reversible allelic partition process and Pitman sampling formula

ALEA, Latin American Journal of Probability and Mathematical Statistics 17, 375-388. [DOI]


Kon Kam King, G., Canale, A. and Ruggiero, M. (2019)

Bayesian functional forecasting with locally-autoregressive dependent processes

Bayesian Analysis 14, 1121-1141. [DOI]


Argiento, R. and Ruggiero, M. (2018)

Computational challenges and temporal dependence in Bayesian nonparametric models

Statistical Methods & Applications 27, 231-238. [DOI]


Ruggiero, M. and Sordello, M. (2018)

Clustering dynamics in a class of normalised generalised gamma dependent priors

Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 70, 83-98. [DOI]


Costantini, C, De Blasi, P., Ethier, S.N., Ruggiero, M. and Spanò, D. (2017)

Wright-Fisher construction of the two-parameter Poisson-Dirichlet diffusion

The Annals of Applied Probability 27, 1923-1950. [DOI]


Papaspiliopoulos, O., Ruggiero, M. and Spanò, D. (2016)

Conjugacy properties of time-evolving Dirichlet and gamma random measures

Electronic Journal of Statistics 10, 3452-3489. [DOI]


Canale, A. and Ruggiero, M. (2016)

Bayesian nonparametric forecasting of monotonic functional time series

Electronic Journal of Statistics 10, 3265-3286. [DOI]


Mena, R.H. and Ruggiero, M. (2016)

Dynamic density estimation with diffusive Dirichlet mixtures

Bernoulli 22, 901-926. [DOI]


Gutierrez, L., Mena, R.H. and Ruggiero, M. (2016)

A time dependent Bayesian nonparametric model for air quality analysis

Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 95, 161-175. [DOI]


De Blasi, P., Favaro, S., Lijoi, A., Mena, R., Pruenster, I. and Ruggiero, M. (2015)

Are Gibbs-type priors the most natural generalization of the Dirichlet process?

IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence 37, 212-229. [DOI]


Papaspiliopoulos, O. and Ruggiero, M. (2014)

Optimal filtering and the dual process

Bernoulli 20, 1999-2019. [DOI]


Ruggiero, M. (2014)

Species dynamics in the two-parameter Poisson-Dirichlet diffusion model

Journal of Applied Probability 51, 174-190. [DOI]


Ruggiero, M., Walker, S.G. and Favaro, S. (2013)

Alpha-diversity processes and normalized inverse-Gaussian diffusions

The Annals of Applied Probability 23, 386-425. [DOI]


Pruenster, I. and Ruggiero, M. (2013)

A Bayesian nonparametric approach to modeling market share dynamics

Bernoulli 19, 64-92. [DOI]


Mena, R.H., Ruggiero, M. and Walker, S.G. (2011)

Geometric stick-breaking processes for continuous-time Bayesian nonparametric modeling

Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 141, 3217-3230. [DOI]


Martinelli, A., Ruggiero, M. and Walker, S.G. (2010)

A note on convergence rates for posterior distributions via large deviations techniques

Statistical Papers 51, 337-347. [DOI]


Favaro, S., Ruggiero, M. and Walker, S.G. (2009)

On a Gibbs sampler based random process in Bayesian nonparametrics

Electronic Journal of Statistics 3, 1556-1566. [DOI]


Ruggiero, M. and Walker, S.G. (2009)

Countable representation for infinite-dimensional diffusions derived from the two parameter Poisson-Dirichlet process

Electronic Communications in Probability 14, 501-517. [DOI]


Ruggiero, M. and Walker, S.G. (2009)

Bayesian nonparametric construction of the Fleming-Viot process with fertility selection

Statistica Sinica 19, 707-720. [DOI]





Dalla Pria, M., Ruggiero, M. and Spanò, D. (2024)

A Metropolis–Hastings algorithm for sampling coagulated partitions

Proceedings of BAYSM 2023


Ascolani, F., Damato, S. and Ruggiero, M. (2024)

Uncertainty reduction in a class of dependent Dirichlet processes

Proceedings of the 52nd Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society


Ascolani, F., Buttigliero, Y. and Ruggiero, M. (2024)

Non-informative priors in Wright-Fisher smoothing

Proceedings of the 52nd Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society


Dalla Pria, M., Ruggiero, M. and Spanò, D. (2024)

Exact sampling of two coagulated partitions

Proceedings of the 52nd Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society


Ascolani, F., Lijoi, A., Pruenster, I. and Ruggiero, M. (2021)

A framework for filtering in hidden Markov models with normalized random measures

Proceedings of the 50th Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society


Kom Kam King, G., Papaspiliopoulos, O. and Ruggiero, M. (2018)

Bayesian inference for hidden Markov models using duality and approximate filtering distributions

Proceedings of the 49th Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society


Lijoi, A., Ruggiero, M. and Spanò, D. (2016)

On the transition function of some time-dependent Dirichlet and gamma processes

In JSM Proceedings, Section on Nonparametric Statistics. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association


Camerlenghi, F., Pruenster, I. and Ruggiero, M. (2016)

On time-dependent Gibbs-type random probability measures

In JSM Proceedings, Section on Nonparametric Statistics. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association


Gutierrez Inostroza, L., Mena, R.H., and Ruggiero, M. (2016)

On GEM diffusive mixtures

In JSM Proceedings, Section on Nonparametric Statistics. Alexandria, VA: American Statistical Association


De Blasi, P., Ruggiero, M. and Walker, S.G. (2016)

Modelling stationary varying-size populations via Polya sampling

Proceedings of the 48th Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society


Papaspiliopoulos, O., Ruggiero, M. and Spanò, D. (2014)

Bayesian inference for dynamically evolving distributions

Proceedings of the 47th Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society


Ruggiero, M. (2012)

On the role of normalized inverse-Gaussian priors in continuous-time models

Proceedings of the 46th Meeting of the Italian Statistical Society


Ruggiero, M. (2011)

On a prediction problem for an infinite-dimensional hidden Markov model

Proceedings of the S.Co. 2011 Conference


Ruggiero, M. (2009)

Bayesian nonparametric construction of Fleming-Viot models in population genetics

Proceedings of the 15th European Young Statisticians Meeting, Bernoulli Society




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